What: Fall Recruitment Night
When: Thursday, August 16th @ 6-8pm
Where: Sheridan Lutheran Church - Family Life Center
Pack 1 will be holding it's Fall Recruitment Night on August 16th.
We will have several activities for the boys to enjoy including clothespin tag, paper airplane making and a nature scavenger hunt. Activities will be held outside on the south lawn behind the church.
While the youth are having fun, our leaders will talk to parents about scouting and what Pack 1 is all about.
Don't miss this event!
Recruitment Info
This is a fall recruitment event for all boys and girls entering 1st through 5th grade in the fall of 2018.
One of our leaders will be meeting with prospective scout parents during the event to answer questions. We will also have handouts, informational flyers and applications if you want to sign up at the event.
If you are interested in joining our Pack, but can't make it to this event, please plan to attend our first Pack meeting of the Fall on August 27th at 7pm at Sheridan.

The event will start in the Family Life Center (gym) of the church. You can enter through Door 1 or Door 2.